AMIS provides a point of care, Electronic Health Record system that will enable
your anesthesia group to digitize the entire perioperative process. The platform
allows for custom forms and data points, promoting ease of adoption while
ensuring billing and regulatory compliance. Designed to specifically meet the
needs of the anesthesia provider at the point of care, stores your data
allowing it to be seamlessly delivered to your billing software. The system
automatically updates so no additional workload is placed on existing IT
personnel or infrastructure. It is easy to integrate, adopt, and will enhance
workflow while providing an immediate financial return for your anesthesia
Easy To Use
The EMR solution is as easy to use as a pen and paper. The forms you currently
use are digitized and loaded on a tablet PC where data is entered using both a
stylus and the touch screen. It links with your hospital’s existing system and
allows you to effortlessly sync patient information with the patient’s records.
Charts and forms are populated with pre-entered patient information, saving time
by eliminating redundant entry. Customized electronic forms and records make the
system easy to learn and use, while electronic stops and prompts help guarantee
billing accuracy. We’re told that these design features make our system
significantly easier to use and more efficient than paper.
Mobile And Versatile
With our EMR, your anesthesia providers, administrators and billing personnel
are dynamically connected to the patient’s record. Users can work across
multiple departments and facilities, seamlessly entering data on easy-to-use
devices, using forms they are already know. Whether typing on a desktop PC, a
laptop with touch screen capability or writing with a stylus on a tablet PC, the
system deploys efficiently, is easily adopted, and offers complete
administrative control from a single, central location.
Interface Capability
AMIS has developed interfaces into various Patient Information Management
Systems (PIMS) whereby AMIS receives patient demographics and scheduling
information and prepopulates various parts of its system to avoid duplicate data
entry and potential human error. AMIS can develop either a real-time HL7 or
batch interface with the PIMS.